Now Serving The Headstrong Project
This practice is proud to announce it is serving the Headstrong Project "The Headstrong Project is a non-profit mental health...
COVID-19 Coping
Please reference the below site for some helpful resources related to coping with COVID-19 https://emergency.cdc.gov/coping/selfcare.asp
Mental Health Awareness
Understanding and supporting optimal mental health is critical to one’s overall wellness. Even today there continues to be much stigma...

Online Based Counseling
Mark is pleased to announce that he has begun offering the availability of online web based therapy and counseling services. Such...

What’s EMDR? Mark will begin offering EMDR therapy to clients beginning in March of 2017. EMDR has been shown to be a highly...

20 Ways to Recover from Holiday Heartbreak
A broken heart around the holiday time can be particularity difficult to handle. This Psychology Today article provides some helpful...

Boundaries, Balance and Self-Care- A New Life Plan
In some cases concerns or problems that are occurring in one’s life can relate to a lack of boundaries, balance or adequate self-care. ...
Not Sure about Attending Therapy?
Thinking about going to therapy can be a scary proposition for some. Maybe you’ve never been to therapy? Maybe you are concerned you...
When Past Relationships Ruin Current Ones
It makes sense that if we’ve felt emotionally threatened or hurt in our past relationships we may start to put up walls or shut down with...

Highmark Blue Shield Northeastern New York Now Accepted
Highmark Blue Shield of Northeastern New York is an additional insurance plan now accepted for therapy services. Welcome to those with...